“Gato comum” é um White Raven 2024

O Gato comum é um White Raven 2024!

A seleção é feita, todos os anos, pelos especialistas em literatura infantil da International Youth Library e foca-se em livros que possam ser do interesse de um público internacional devido à sua qualidade literária e pictórica e/ou os temas que tratam.

Na crítica ao livro mais recente da Joana Estrela, lemos:
“Even if cats supposedly have more than one life, there comes a time when they, too, have to go. And now it is that time for the tired and sick 17-year-old tomcat Manel. The family (…) with whom Manel has spent his entire life now ask themselves what they should do for the moribund animal. With heavy hearts they decide to have him put to sleep. In this graphic novel, Joana Estrela depicts Manel’s last days in a reserved and gentle tone, without many words, as a time of letting go, farewells, pain, grief, and taking responsibility.”