Serpa Award
12 Nov 2021
Winner of the IV Serpa International Award for Picturebooks
Serpa’s City Council and Planeta Tangerina are glad to announce that the winner of the 4th Edition of Serpa’s International Award for Picturebooks is the project “O primeiro dia… depois do fim da pandemia” by Henrique Coser Moreira. Two honourable mentions were also attributed, to the project “Mímica” by Inês Machado and to the project “In die welt hinau” by Beatrice Dietel.

In this year’s edition we received a sum of 162 projects, from 20 different countries. These books explore different approaches to picturebooks, displaying the most diversified techniques, themes and formats.
The selection board looked for projects which would exceed expectations. A book that had a fresh approach to the picturebook format and that tied each piece up to a harmonious whole.
The book “O primeiro dia… depois do fim da pandemia” standed out due to its simplicity and gentleness.
The way in which the silent comics were used has captivated us.We believe the author approached the theme exceptionally, exploring and turning the moment of leaving home into something naive and magical, with humour while paying attention to the details.
Other than the first award, we also attributed two special mentions that outstanded for different reasons. In the book “Mímica”, it was due to the idea of a game-book and the illustration’s quality, and in the book “In die welt hinau”, it was the irreverence and visual richness that surprised us.
Thanks to all participants in this contest.