Authors Breadcrumb Separator Maria Nogueira Nössing

Maria Nogueira Nössing

Author and Illustrator

Maria was born in Lisbon in 1984 and after living in New York and Amsterdam she settled in Berlin.

In 2011 she created her own Agency for visual communication, design and illustration. She helps people and brands define and communicate their identity, translating ideas and values through images. She combines design and illustration and prefers paper over screens.

In her illustration work she takes inspiration from psychology, human relations, habits and mundane rituals. Her biggest wish is to tell stories that, while simple and personal, are also universal, optimistic, light and, above all, gentle.

In her book All together (Special Mention at the 5th Serpa International Award for Picturebooks) she joined 20 characters inspired by real people in her life and took them on a stroll through different scenarios, creating an open story where the reader has time to enjoy and space to read between the lines.

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