Team Breadcrumb Separator Angelina Velosa

Angelina Velosa

Designer and responsible for Planeta Tangerina's online shop

When she was 9, Angelina had to choose between piano lessons and competition swimming. She chose swimming, and continued along that path until she got injured, twice, aged 16.

At 17, she wanted to be a photographer or an illustrator, or something in between – what she didn’t want was to have to choose. So when she discovered the Communication Design course at the Lisbon School of Fine Arts, that was what brought her, direct from Madeira to Lisbon.

After her undergraduate degree, she still wanted to be various different things and she bobbed around for a few years. Firstly, at a neighbourhood association and amongst the pots of a community kitchen, then working as a designer for music festivals. A post-graduate course in Sound Art followed, as well as a challenge at Fabrica Features where, amongst other things, she sold Planeta Tangerina books.

She arrived here in 2022, still wanting to do various things. Which is just as well, because within the publisher her role is varied, with one hand on design and the other managing social media and the online shop.