While growing up, Ana was lucky enough to live right next to the beach. That’s where she used to spend most of her time — not only diving into the sea, but also exploring rock pools, taking walks and searching for fossils.
As Ana grew up, she maintained a keen interest in, and curiosity about the sea. After graduating in Marine Biology and Fishery from the University of the Algarve, she worked for a few years in research — with a consistent focus on the ocean: firstly, in the fishery sector at University of the Algarve; later, as a Lab Technician at the Guia Marine Lab (MARE / FCUL), in Cascais.
In recent years, Ana has mainly dedicated herself to projects within environmental education, combining science with art to inform people about marine life and raising awareness around the preservation of oceans (namely the issue of plastic waste). As part of this, she created Plasticus maritimus — an ongoing project and facebook page, where she gives regular updates on her findings.