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2024 Catalogue : DownloadWe are an independent publisher of fiction and non-fiction titles for children and young adults.
Showing 17–32 of 107 results
What is this?
(Portuguese edition) What is this? A squirrel? A scribble? What is it? Nobody quite knows, but everyone gives their opinion. For some, it’s an object; for others, an animal. So what? What’s wrong with that? One thing’s for sure: the... -
Catching the sun, catching some air
(Portuguese edition) This book is a tribute to our place in space, to the Sun, to the atmosphere, to planet Earth. It contains information, activities, pages to breathe in deep with, pages to have fun with. On some pages, we... -
The light is big
(Portuguese edition) At first we babble. We repeat syllables, then words, then whole sentences. All from a desire to interact and also because we want things. Suddenly, something truly magical happens: we put different words together and make a new... -
The gnu and the badger — It’s raining
(Portuguese edition) The gnu and the badger met a while ago, on a very windy day. This time, it’s raining! But what could be better than drinking tea and playing cards with a friend, while the rain falls outside? First... -
It’s all so big
A song that keeps growing(Portuguese edition) Why do we grow bigger and bigger? Where do we get the will to grow? Does it come from the longer days? The moons and the tides? From the sun? Or the great big mountain? (What a mystery!)... -
(Portuguese edition) Be careful with this book. Three people were reading it and... Chomp! Be careful with this book. Usually, adventures and animals with big teeth... Chomp! Be careful with this book. It’s recommended for readers of a tender age.... -
(Portuguese edition) When Raquel begins telling her story, Pardalita has already entered her life. She didn’t enter suddenly, but rather slowly and subtly, first in the school halls and then in drama rehearsals. Raquel only knows her by sight, but... -
Dance when you reach the end
Good advice from fellow animals(Portuguese edition) Can you learn anything new from a beetle, a lizard, a simple toucan? Yes toucan, yes you can! Richard Zimler and Bernardo P. Carvalho bring us some wise and rather funny pieces of advice from our fellow animals.... -
From here to there
(Portuguese edition) Over here, a baby. And over there, one step away, so many things! Suddenly, something begins to grow inside the baby: a wish to get from here to there. There, where the ball is. There, where the bread... -
The orchestra
A trip around the world in search of musicians(Portuguese edition) The grand concert is scheduled for next week, but the members of the orchestra have disappeared without a trace. Luckily, it’s not serious... It looks like they’re all enjoying a holiday and the maestro has even received some... -
The endfixer
(Portuguese edition) "As a kid, I wanted to be an endfixer, which is someone who fixes the ends of things. Because stories often end up with a bad end... just as it's getting to the best part. Sometimes it also... -
All year round
Nature's almanac(Portuguese edition) What's the best week of the year to see the ladybirds re-awakening? And when can we see the first swallows? What's the best time to listen to the nightingale's song? And to listen to the deer’s roar? If... -
I am, I can
(Portuguese edition) When growing up, we learn something new every day. An emotion, a joke, a sound, a flavour. One day we dive, the next day we discover a new place. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. In this adventure... -
A Guide to Exploring Nature(Portuguese edition) Who does this footprint belong to? What's that worm doing there? Is it a toad or a frog? What's the name of this tree? Even if we live in a big city, there's always nature outside: clouds and... -
I like, therefore I am
Social media, journalism and a strange virus called fake news(Portuguese edition) With the whole world at our fingertips, it’s never been easier to overestimate our knowledge, our understanding of things. We've got used to receiving information and disinformation through secret algorithms; to having routines in virtual worlds; to communicating... -
Plasticus maritimus
An invasive species(Portuguese edition) When Ana was a child, she would play on the beach. Gradually, she noticed a new species becoming more common along the shore: plastic. Ana trained as a marine biologist and began collecting plastics. She even gave the...