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2024 Catalogue : DownloadWe are an independent publisher of fiction and non-fiction titles for children and young adults.
Showing 1–16 of 35 results
Three Big Questions
Science (all of it) in only three questions(Portuguese edition) What’s Science really about? Having all the answers? Memorising a whole load of information? Discovering stuff in order to solve specific problems? Philip Ball, the author of this book, believes that Science is something altogether different, and that... -
The point we’re at
Maybe this is a sad book — and people, particularly when thinking about books for children, almost always prefer happy books, hopeful books. We agree. Hope is the most important thing in the world. But in order not to... -
Black sea
(Portuguese edition) Summer is coming to an end, but the beach café is still a hive of activity. JP serves the tables and Inês is behind the bar, making coffee, slicing ham, preparing toasties. They’re not exactly the best of... -
High tide
(Portuguese edition) A silent book can be a disconcerting thing. There are no words on the pages and readers may feel a bit lost. Upon opening this picturebook, some readers might ask worriedly, “What do we do with this book?”.... -
Catching the sun, catching some air
(Portuguese edition) This book is a tribute to our place in space, to the Sun, to the atmosphere, to planet Earth. It contains information, activities, pages to breathe in deep with, pages to have fun with. On some pages, we... -
It’s all so big
A song that keeps growing(Portuguese edition) Why do we grow bigger and bigger? Where do we get the will to grow? Does it come from the longer days? The moons and the tides? From the sun? Or the great big mountain? (What a mystery!)... -
Dance when you reach the end
Good advice from fellow animals(Portuguese edition) Can you learn anything new from a beetle, a lizard, a simple toucan? Yes toucan, yes you can! Richard Zimler and Bernardo P. Carvalho bring us some wise and rather funny pieces of advice from our fellow animals.... -
All year round
Nature's almanac(Portuguese edition) What's the best week of the year to see the ladybirds re-awakening? And when can we see the first swallows? What's the best time to listen to the nightingale's song? And to listen to the deer’s roar? If... -
A Guide to Exploring Nature(Portuguese edition) Who does this footprint belong to? What's that worm doing there? Is it a toad or a frog? What's the name of this tree? Even if we live in a big city, there's always nature outside: clouds and... -
I like, therefore I am
Social media, journalism and a strange virus called fake news(Portuguese edition) With the whole world at our fingertips, it’s never been easier to overestimate our knowledge, our understanding of things. We've got used to receiving information and disinformation through secret algorithms; to having routines in virtual worlds; to communicating... -
Plasticus maritimus
An invasive species(Portuguese edition) When Ana was a child, she would play on the beach. Gradually, she noticed a new species becoming more common along the shore: plastic. Ana trained as a marine biologist and began collecting plastics. She even gave the... -
Mary John
(Portuguese edition) I've been writing to you for weeks. I'm not really sure why. I'm not really sure what for. Who are you, Julio the Pirate? I keep thinking about our story. From the very beginning. From our first encounter.... -
Hey, Big Bang!
Nobody said it was easy(Portuguese edition) Ideas like to play hide and seek. They’re not invisible, but they can be hard to see! In the beginning, they appear like a shadow and slip through our fingers. But if we let them run free —... -
(Portuguese edition) It’s summer and Miguel is at a loose end. His parents are on holiday, his friends are away and his girlfriend wants a break. With the house to himself, Miguel watches TV, plays video-games and reads his driving... -
(Portuguese edition) It's morning. The Sun wakes up, followed by the Sea, the Cloud, the Iceberg, the Wind, the Forest and the Volcano. When the Rainbow and its Reflection finally arrive, the scene is set for taking a picture-perfect photo.... -
The karate girl’s red notebook
(Portuguese edition) N is not a baby, she's a Karate girl. N is 14, almost 15, and her biggest dream is to become a black belt and to kiss Raul. N likes to write, but she prefers fighting with Raul....