At Planeta Tangerina we care about privacy and we do our best to have a clear and transparent relationship with each of our visitors and readers.
Throughout our website, online shop or digital communications, we do not collect any personal data that hasn’t been freely conceded by those who visit us. Neither do we use any of the data we have for any purposes other than those explicitly authorised by their owner. In cases where this authorisation has been conceded, the collected data will follow the rules on our Privacy Policy, in which we explain each of these topics in further detail.
Planeta Tangerina, Design e Comunicação Lda, with registered address at Rua das Rosas N.º 20, Alto dos Lombos, 2775-683 Carcavelos, Portugal, and NIF 505053560 (hereinafter called “Planeta Tangerina”) is responsible for collecting and handling your personal data, within the purposes described on this Privacy Policy.
Planeta Tangerina is committed to processing your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and applicable laws* on privacy protection and circulation of personal data.
1. Why we may need to collect
a) Purchases on Planeta Tangerina’s online shop
a1.To process purchases
We need to collect your name, address and fiscal number for any online purchases. These will be processed by the e-commerce platform on which our website was programmed, used on our invoicing software and shared with our external Accountants. Your name and address will also be shared with the courier company in charge of delivering your package. We explain these procedures in further detail on 3. Additional information regarding potential receivers of your personal data).
In order to invoice your purchase, we have to share your name, address and tax information (if you chose to enter it) with the billing software we use and with the entity we subcontract for the provision of accounting services.
This is explained in further detail on item 3.
b) For direct mail and newsletters
Anyone visiting our website can subscribe to our newsletter by submitting their name and email address through a form.
This data is then integrated on our email database on Mailchimp, through which we send all our messages and newsletters whenever we have something important to share with our subscribers (for example: new books, release events, awards, promotions on our shop, etc.). By submitting your information in our newsletter form, you are automatically accepting Mailchimp’s Privacy Policy, available at
Aside from this database for general contacts, we also hold contacts from bookshops and press with whom we have a professional relationship. Those who are interested in receiving our bookshops and press communications can request a registry form by contacting us at [email protected].
c) Sold out products subscription
This subscription will notify users when a product of their interest is back in sock. Data collected when the subscription is made will only be used for this purpose.
2. Duration and storage of data
a) Purchases at our on-line shop
For the reasons explained on 1. a), all data collected for processing online purchases will be stored for a maximum period of 12 years after its last use.
b) Direct mail and newsletters
The data collected for the purposes explained on 1.b) will remain stored in our database, unless the person who conceded it expressly requests its deletion.
c) Contact by e-mail
Data received by e-mail can be stored in our server for history and future reference for 10 years. However, when the terms explained at item 2.a) do not apply, the user can request its deletion at any given time (more information on item 5).
d) Proposals
The proposals sent by e-mail to [email protected] will be stored in our e-mail server for 3 months maximum, unless the proposal is accepted and starts a negotiation. In that case, Planeta Tangerina will store that data in a local server for history and archive purposes.
3. Additional information regarding potential receivers of your personal data
To complete any purchase on our online shop, we need your name, address, email address and fiscal information (VAT, if applicable). We use your email address to send you information about your purchase and the shipping of your package. Furthermore, we need the additional data for shipping your package and invoicing, for which we use external help as explained below:
a) Invoicing
After your purchase is processed, we need to submit it for invoicing. We do this through the licensed software Moloni. For legal purposes, we are obligated to store all invoices in our records for 12 years.
Moloni is a company based in EU territory, therefore it complies with European GDPR. You can read it here.
b) Payment
If the purchase is made via PayPal, Stripe (credit card payments) or Ifthenpay (payments by ATM reference and MBway), we must share the purchase amount with these platforms in order for the payment to be processed.
By shopping on our website, you are also accepting the privacy policies of the aforementioned entities.
PayPal and Ifthenpay operate under data the protection laws in the European European Economy (EEA) and Switzerland. You can read Paypal and Ifthenpay’s privacy policies at each company’s website at any time. Stripe is based in the United States of America, so it complies with international data processing guidelines. You can read them here.
c) Shipping
We send packages through CTT and other international couriers, with which we also need to share some of your data (name and address), so that the package can reach you.
d) Accounting
Finally, we also need to register any transactions for accounting purposes. We share your collected data through invoices with our external accountants, in order for them to process this information.
4. Security: how we aim to protect your personal data
Planeta Tangerina does not share your data with third-parties (except in the cases explained on 3.), therefore we take all the measures within our reach to keep your information safe. However, we must admit that despite our efforts no security system can guarantee an absolute protection of the data.
Our website hosting service is responsible to maintain the safety of their infrastructures, therefore updating their hardware and software whenever necessary. From our side, we work with a contractor who provides maintenance whenever necessary and makes sure our website and online shop are updated and functioning effectively.
Furthermore, we have implemented internal best-practice procedures with a view to avoid exposing any personal information to individuals or collectivities outside of our organisation. Anyone who has access to our visitors’ data is aware of and implements this Privacy Policy.
5. Control over your data: how you can update your information and preferences
a) Online purchases on Planeta Tangerina’s shop
The data used for processing orders from our online shop will remain in our archives for 12 years, for reasons explained on 1.a). In case you have submitted your data but haven’t completed your purchase, you can ask us to destroy that same data by contacting us on [email protected].
b) Messages and newsletters
At any time, you can stop receiving our newsletters and messages sent through MailChimp, simply by clicking “unsubscribe from this list” from the footer of all our email communications. You can also change your mailing preferences by clicking on “update preferences”, also in the footer of our emails.
c) E-mail
Messages sent to any of the email addresses at Planeta Tangerina are stored in our local server for future reference. If you want us to delete your emails, please send your request to [email protected].
In compliance with the provisions of Law 2016/679 of April 27th, all users should be able, at any time, to access, rectify or delete any data they data provided, as well as to request all promotional communication to be cancelled.
6. Entity responsible for handling you data
Planeta Tangerina, Design e Comunicação, Lda.
Rua das Rosas, 20
Alto dos Lombos
2775-683 Carcavelos
Tel. +351 214680844
Email: [email protected]
7. Who’s responsible for your data within Planeta Tangerina?
Isabel Minhós Martins
[email protected]
8. Additional information
Any additional information regarding data protection can be obtained next to your country’s national department for data protection. The Portuguese National Comission for Data Protection (CNPD – Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados) can be contacted on Rua de São Bento n.º 148-3º 1200-821 Lisboa – Tel: +351 213928400 – Fax: +351 213976832 – e-mail: [email protected].
9. Policy updates
Planeta Tangerina has the right to regularly update this Policy, therefore we recommend that our users refer to this document whenever visiting our website. We are always available to answer any questions or observations regarding the confidentiality and security of your personal data.
10. Cookies
Cookies are small files that store information about each user’s web browsing on their device (phone, tablet or computer). This is so that, each time a user visits a particular website, the website recognizes them, making the browsing experience more efficient.
Some cookies are temporary, remaining in the browser’s archive until the user leaves the website, and others are permanent, stored in the browser and used every time the user visits a website anew.
Our website uses language cookies, which allow the user’s language (Portuguese or English) to be chosen automatically; analytical cookies, which collect additional data for analysis and statistics, so that we can continuously improve our website; cookies for the processing of personal data, which automate the filling out of data provided for orders; and local storage cookies, which store the items placed in the shopping cart.
* Applicable laws:
Personal Data Protection Act – Law 67/98, of October 26th, and further legislation in force in this matter, such as Law 41/2004 of August 18th, as written in Law 46/2012 of August 29th on the protection of privacy, with regard to the processing of personal data and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of April 27th 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of personal data.