Technical specs
Original title: O gnu e o texugo — Cuidado com o vento
112 pages / 135 x 160 mm
ISBN: 9789898145529 / RRP: 13,90€
1st edition: November 2020
© Rights for all languages available.
The gnu and the badger — Mind the wind
(Portuguese edition)
Sometimes we get carried away.
The wind pushes us along to new places and off we go.
That’s what happened to the gnu and the badger in this story. And it’s also what happened to this book — it flipped and turned and got all mixed up.
Who could there be, on the other side of the wind?
To be honest, we can’t really know. All we can do is hope it’s someone kind – someone who turns the light on and welcomes us into their home.
This book is part of the Mini-micro collection.
See also:
Making of (parte 1): Como nasceu o texto
Making of (parte 2): Como nasceram os desenhos
Technical specs
Original title: O gnu e o texugo — Cuidado com o vento
112 pages / 135 x 160 mm
ISBN: 9789898145529 / RRP: 13,90€
1st edition: November 2020
© Rights for all languages available.
Awards and recognitions
Recommended — National Reading Plan (Portugal)
What they say
Once again, Madalena’s illustrations achieve a state of pure joy: half figurative, half abstract – painting which is totally concrete.
When they say that a picturebook is normally a child’s first contact with art, this must be what they’re talking about.
Sara Amado, Prateleira-de-baixo blog, November 2020
Pessoa’s text is a delightful frolic, and Matoso’s illustrations are disconcertingly beautiful. Little paintings that we might look at with children as if wandering through an exhibition. (…) One of our favourite books of this bizarre 2020!
Hipopómatos na Lua blog, December 2020
A distracted gnu fails to listen to the wise words of a pine tree. And so he ends up on the other side of the wind, where he meets a friendly badger. Following a pleasant meal together, the gnu prepares to make his way back home and the narrative could perfectly well stop there. It would be enough, with all its adventure, imagination, the poetic image of a voyage and the unknown, the humour brought by its unsuspecting characters. Not to mention the expressively bold colours, its vibrant contrasts, its cut-out geometry.
Andreia Brites, Blimunda magazine, March 2021