Technical specs
Original title: És mesmo tu?
32 pages / 195 x 220 mm
ISBN: 9789898145062 / RRP: 12,50€
1st edition: September 2008
2nd reprint: June 2010
© Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese, French, Spanish
Is that really you?
A missing boot sees two friends left talking to each other. It’s a perplexing conversation that almost makes us dizzy!
But then again, talk amongst friends is like that…
Full of twists and turns and odd references (that nobody else understands!): talk between friends is always full of secrets and complicity.
Technical specs
Original title: És mesmo tu?
32 pages / 195 x 220 mm
ISBN: 9789898145062 / RRP: 12,50€
1st edition: September 2008
2nd reprint: June 2010
© Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese, French, Spanish
Awards and recognitions
Recommended – Gulbenkian/Casa da Leitura
Recommended – National Reading Plan (Portugal)
Special Mention – National Illustration Prize (Portugal, 2008)
What they say
Often, rhyme books designed for children end up with terrible verse, forced rhymes and stories whose meaning gets lost, such is the focus on its orality. The very opposite is true of Is That Really You?, a picture book which reflects Planeta Tangerina’s committed skill and where the harmony of plot, rhythm and rhyme characterise every page.
Sara Figueiredo Costa, Actual supplement of Expresso newspaper, 17/01/2009
(…) a hugely fun book which is a kind of hymn to the hypnotic power of chatter, that age-old habit which also feeds our connections through words. (…) Maintaining an irresistible game involving the rhythm, meaning and phonetics of words, it becomes pure pleasure to wear the boot right to the very end.
Carla Maia de Almeida, LER magazine, February 2009