Technical specs
Original title: Como é que uma galinha…
32 pages / 195 x 220 mm
ISBN: 9789898145345 / RRP: 12,50€
1st edition: September 2011
© Rights sold: Chinese (Simplified)
How does a chicken…
(Portuguese edition)
A chicken is known for being a silly, ugly bird.
They say a chicken doesn’t fly or sing, she just scratches and cackles and poos everywhere (and that’s true).
But another truth, a bigger truth is told in this book… Nature has created an unlikely animal — ugly, clumsy, obedient, half-blind — to carry one of its greatest treasures.
When you see a chicken, don’t be fooled. Treat her with all the respect she deserves.
A fun book for those that like eggs (scrambled, boiled, sunny side up or down) and for those who had never before stopped to think about the importance of a simple hen.
For independent readers and for smaller readers too.
Technical specs
Original title: Como é que uma galinha…
32 pages / 195 x 220 mm
ISBN: 9789898145345 / RRP: 12,50€
1st edition: September 2011
© Rights sold: Chinese (Simplified)
Awards and recognitions
Recommended — National Reading Plan (Portugal)