Technical specs
Original title: Cá em casa somos
32 pages / 195 x 220 mm
ISBN: 9789898145116 / RRP: 12,50€
1st edition: November 2009
2nd reprint: May 2013
© Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, English, French, Greek, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Turkish
At home, we are…
(Portuguese edition)
Under one roof, a whole host of body parts come together: heads, hands, feet, teeth, bones, strands of hair and even nipples. Each of these elements not only performs its anatomical function, it also prompts episodes, habits and obsessions, and even some issues… and they just love getting together for a party.
This story begins with six heads “each concerned with itself”, and moves along via a whole series of enumerations. Maths helps us count bones, teeth or nails, but also the days and experiences of the family living in this house. And with everything accounted for, we end up knowing much more about what we have around us.
Technical specs
Original title: Cá em casa somos
32 pages / 195 x 220 mm
ISBN: 9789898145116 / RRP: 12,50€
1st edition: November 2009
2nd reprint: May 2013
© Rights sold: Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, English, French, Greek, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Turkish
Awards and recognitions
Selected — Best books of the year, Banco del Libro, Venezuela (2020)
Recommended — Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / Casa da Leitura
Recommended — Portuguese National Reading List
What they say
What’s interesting about this book, beyond the humour of the comic language and situation presented before us, is how the notion of family is understood here, incorporating non-human elements close to our hearts. (…) The images not only complete the text, clearing up any potential doubts, they also help us to interpret it, filling in the various blanks that form a natural part of it.
Ana Margarida Ramos, Casa da Leitura, Fundação Gulbenkian