Technical specs
Original title: Coração de mãe
32 pages / 195 x 220 mm
ISBN: 9789898145048 / RRP: 13,90€
1st edition: May 2008
19th reprint: January 2025
© Rights sold: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), French, Greek, Italian, Spanish
A mother’s heart
Cardiologists and scientistic researchers recently discovered something that really wowed the world. While observing a mother’s heart up close, they discovered that this organ is more than just a muscle that never stops beating… it’s a magical place where the most extraordinary things happen.
But how?
These scientists discovered that a mother’s heart is connected to that of her child’s by a thin, almost invisible thread — which is why whatever happens to a child makes something happen inside its mother’s heart too. Like this:
“When her children laugh,
a mother’s heart begins to dance.
When her child is sad,
a mother’s heart breaks into a thousand tiny pieces.
When her child is ill,
a mother’s heart turns to jelly (and becomes much, much
But a mother’s heart grows back to normal size
When her child finally gets better!”
Technical specs
Original title: Coração de mãe
32 pages / 195 x 220 mm
ISBN: 9789898145048 / RRP: 13,90€
1st edition: May 2008
19th reprint: January 2025
© Rights sold: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), French, Greek, Italian, Spanish
What they say
Immediate, inventive and graphic illustrations from the award-winning Bernardo P Carvalho, with accurate, absolute and poetic sentences by Isabel Minhós Martins (…).
Cláudia Moura, Notícias Magazine — Diário de Notícias supplement, June 2008
The great merit of this book is its capacity for symbolic evocation, revealing without saying, speaking between the lines instead of being overly emotional. Text and illustration play together on the page, completing each other without overlapping, thus interpreting the whole range of metaphors available. It’s also because of books like this that “mothers are ever more beautiful”, as the Herberto Hélder poem asserts.
Carla Maia de Almeida, LER magazine, September 2008